Salut from Paris!
Wow, I still cannot believe I'm here. We arrived yesterday (Saturday) at around 12 midday and then checked into our apartment in St Germaine De Pres (the Left Bank) where all the famous writers used to live. Our apartment is so funny, we have to go through this rather dodgy souvenir shop into the courtyard where it is. The guy who runs the shop already knows us as "les filles" and makes random comments every time we go through (which is rather often). The apartment itself is very chic and parisien (and smallish - see left), with very cool windows. Just across the street is a Patisserie with v. nice pain au chocolats and baguettes - not to

Yesterday we didn't do much as we were very jetlaged, we just walked the Ile de la Cite and Pont Neuf (not v. far away). It is so bizarre being in Paris, I still don't believe it. It is bigger than I imagined, with more people and cars - but still beautiful - I walk around in a daze. Today Mum and Dad were still jetlaged but me, Emma and Laura woke up at 6 in the morning and spent most of the day exploring. We did some grocery shopping and then walked along the Seine to Notre Dame (see left - it is so large and so intricate, and I can just imagine the Hunchback coming out from the gargoyles) and then back up the Seine. We just caught a glimpse of the tip of the Eiffel Tower - hopefully tomorrow we will go and

Today and yesterday it has been quite cloudy with a bit of rain - but it is still Autumn in France and there are lots of beautiful autumn leaves everywhere. I can't wait to go to the Bastile, the Palais d' Opera, the Eiffel Tower, the Arc de Triomphe, the Champs Elysee, the Louvre, Sacre Coeur... so much to do, so little time. At least my Frnech skills have come in handy - I've been the resident translater and buyer of things - it's quite fun being to understand (almost) everything.
Currently Reading: Madame Bovary
wow, those photos are awesome Kate. damn i wish i had sisters to go adventuring Paris with at 6am in the morning. haha. which reminds me, i still need to go for that run from schoolies with caitlyn and cathy - i got up at 7:30am so i wouldn't miss it!
I am so jelous!! it all sounds so beautiful and cultured. I have been aplying for every job i can think of today. hopeful i'll get one so i can explore paris and everywhere else soon enough. just stay there all year kate and i'll visit you!!
Kate, your so lucky! i wish i was there with u. unfortunately, im stuck in good ol' kangaroo ground... oh well! keep the blogs coming! hope the weather's nice!
yay! i've finally finished my schoolies journal entry update. (a bit of shameless self-promotion here) everyone should definitely check it out, there's a link to the site in Kate's blog links.
mwa! ^_^
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