It's Sarah's 18th Birthday today - yay, another v. short 18 year to join me. I hope you had a good day Sarah, enjoy all those dvds of Nip and Tuck :)
Hmmm, today I have officially dusted my room, all ready to go overseas, I actually enjoy dusting my room sometimes (I know - odd), it can be almost meditative, I always end up sitting down on the floor and reading some random book or diary that I spot. I have also been attempting some calligraphy for a Christmas present for Nana, the outcome is okay , but not perfect by a long way - I attempted some angels but they look a bit blobby - sigh... the quest for perfection continues.
I am continuing my travel agency role - focusing on Barcelona apartments and Granada - it's so hard to find anything in Granada.
(by the way - the photo isn't mine, just some random one off the internet)
Anyway - look at the time - I must to bed.
yay! your entries come almost daily. good job! Happy Birthday to Sarah too! So many birthdays in november, my god.
oh no! haha. my nanna just called, and apparently my cousin's coming to my place today...? i'd better get dressed in case! clearly bumming around in my pjs at 2:00 is the way to go.
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