I am sooooooo tired... I think all that vce exam stress and worry is catching up on me - I feel so lethargic, possibly also due to lack of exercise for months! I went to the Eltham festival today with Laura, it has expanded a lot, there are millions more stalls. I bought a latin/english dictionary, I have aways wanted one to work out all those latin quotations, and a copy of Les Miserables by Victor Hugo (in French) - that will be a challenge, probably won't get very far! I also bought the cutest top, a singlet which is all pink and red with flowers - a bit gypsy.
While I was there I decided to release a bookcrossing book that Emma's friend found on the train - "The Buddha of Suburbia" (you can see it on my bookshelf: http://www.bookcrossing.com/mybookshelf/angua ). I left it on a bench outside the library, near an old woman with yellow roses. Bonne Chance book! This afternoon I attempted some more calligraphy, quite nice but I keep slanting the writing in different directions - not so good.
The photo is of my breakfast yesterday - cinnamon toast and tea because I was feeling romantic :)
Currently Reading: Hogfather (continued) and Italian Joy
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