How joyous is it, the day after exams. I keep on feeling that I should be doing something important, and then I realise It's all over - this means that I often walk around with a huge grin on my face as I realise EXAMS ARE OVER - I am free!!!!!This morning I read in bed, something I haven't done for a loooooooooong time. Heaven, especially as it was a beautiful day. I cooked an omelette for lunch and in the afternoon I went to Volumes for an afternoon tea with Judy (my uni history teacher), Joel and Brendan.
Now I am juist sitting in my room treasuring this feeling of lightness, emptiness... I feel just like the woman in this photo of a print I have in my room La Vierge aux Rochers by Leonardo De Vinci.
Currently Reading: Thud by Terry Pratchett (newest book)
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