WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!! Exams are over!!! I am the happiest person on earth. Wow, I cannot believe it, so long, so many worries. French was actually very nice, almost relaxing... In celebration I ran around the house, listened to loud music, ate an apricot and started reading a book I have been waiting for. Tomorrow I think I will release a book for bookcrossing to celebrate. Tonight my parents gave me a surprise (and it WAS a surprise!), two books (hehe), they are gorgeous. This is a photo of one of the books with some chocolates. Oh Paris here I come.
On other news Australia just got into the World Cup (yayness - had a very brief patriotic moment).
Goodluck all you chinese people with your exams- bonne chance mes amis!
gee, you really are crazy!!! heheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe...
what audio clip???
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