Today has been a very odd day, I feel as if I have finished all my exams but I still have French tomorrow. I haven't done anything very constructive... read Tintin, went over some verbs and vocab and watched Roman Holiday with french dubbing. I love that film, it is so old and romantic, and Audrey Hepburn is wonderful.
Ooh did you see the IR protest today? 200,000 people in Melbourne! I wish I went, I love protests; they make me feel so hopeful.
Currently reading: Hogsfather by Terry Pratchett and Tintin et Les Picaros (I'm re-reading all the discworld series, about 30 books at the moment).
i'm only too happy to link to your blog, hehe, maybe together more people will visit the sites, haha. good luck for your french exam! I'm sure you'll ace it!
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