Oh no, I've already broken the cycle of blogging! nooooooooo... oh well. The reason was that yesterday my Dad roped me into some slave labour to find apartments in Frnace and Spain for our trip (they have to be both very cheap and very nice, a difficult combination). You would be amazed how difficult and drawnout it is to try to find reasonable apartments and hotels - especially in Córdoba for some reason - no apartments to be seen. So last night I staggered off to bed at midnight after doing hours of research - ask me anything about accomadation in Barcelona, Córdoba, Granada!!
Pheww, apart from this exhausting research I also went shopping today at Northland to look for either a summer dress/sandles/tops for schoolies or (at the other extreme) warm tops and jeans for winter in France. Was not hugely successful on noth front, however I bought some havianas and saw some nice jeans (still deliberating as they were slightly too small). Hmm... I have to organise food for schoolies because I am going on Friday morning, I have to pack for Europe before I go as well. The book my parents gave me, Italian Joy is so beautiful, Ilove it - it makes me want to travel and wear beautiful clothes and take photos of everything - it strikes me as unfair, however, that someone living in Paris or Florence have a lot more photographic opportunities than me living in outer surburban Melbourne.
I will leave you with a random photo I took in Montpellier last year of a tree - well, I like it.
Currently Reading: Jingo (by - you guessed it - Terry Pratchett), Italian Joy and PARIS (a book of photos - okay it's not teccccchnically reading but meh)
Kate any chance of having a look at Italian Joy when you get back?
Nice blog by the way!
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