(well just Heidi really...) I can see this blog thing is going to o really well, my last blog was a week ago! Well, anyway, I have just done my second last exam......history! How exciting, just like normal - half the multiple choice questions didn't make sense (even though it was open book). But now I only have one, French. Oh how I am longing for that moment - pens down stop writing, then I will be free! Well, free for a little while until I do 5 YEARS OF UNI. Mais meh, oh well, life goes on. At the moment I am looking forward to Paris, I want to go and see an opera in one of the old opera theatres there, they are so gorgeous (oh I sound like Daisy). You can have standing room only for 5 euros - hehe standing room for a five hour opera, sounds like fun to me. Tomorrow will be a completely French day, french films, french news, Tintin (hehe - I love Tintin).
I've decided that the day after my last exam (Wednesday) I will start a challenge, to take a photo every day and put it on the internet (although this may not be possible in France - see what I can do) - so it is like a photo blog. Also (again when I've finished exams) I want to work out how to change this layout and background and things. All for another day.
I haven't taken a photo today (and I haven't officially started my 'photo a day' anyway), so this is an old one I took in France.
Currently reading: Feet of Clay (Terry Pratchett)
woohoo! i got a mention on kate's blog. my life is complete. hehe.
i like the photo idea. oh, and i'm happy, mum mentioned i'll need a digital camera for my year in china, so it looks like i'll be getting my own digi camera. ^_^ happy! happy!
ok, i'm gonna get back to my study now. exams are nearly over. so good
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