Saturday, March 25, 2006

My 19th Birthday yesterday - wahhhhh!
19 is so old!
I had only just got used to being 18...

I dodn't do much yesterday, read a lot of magazines (haha) given to me as a present.

Then... this morning I held a semi-Garden Party Morning Tea at my house. It was all very civilised, with cake and muffins and little sandwiches... lots of fun - thankyou to everyone who came :) I really enjoyed it - it was just a nice, relaxed way to spend a morning.

Now, however, i must go and do homework, sigh.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Just finished reading Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenence - vvv. good book - recommend to everyone...

I love it when everything in your life fits together - and that is what's happening now, when I read something in a book suddenly I come across it somewhere else, like in my Philosophy lecture, then in a film - then I find myself scribbling this idea next a poem I'm studying for french textual studies and finally I find it in some literature reading.


Makes you remember that everything is connected.

like this piece of graffiti I saw in the city:
"I loved you before we'd even met"

and the cd I finally bought today (as a birthday present for myself) by the Fruitbats.

I realise this post isn't making any sense but neither does The Wasteland (poem by TS Eliot) and I still love it (no-one else in my tute did though - so I ended up having to defend it). It's so beautiful in its confusion.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

HAPPY 18th BIRTHDAY VICKI & CATHY!! (slightly delayed...)

The enormous album project has finally been finished - 200 photos later! Thanks so much to Sarah, Loren and Cathy for helping to make it and Caitlyn, Renee, Heidi, Nicky, Ben, Megan and Louise for donating money and memories to it .
These are the resulting pages...