Coucou all!
Ahh we are hosting a french exchange student at the moment - Alix - and she is quite cool. She loves the beatles so we have a lot in common. This (her being french - not the spooky beatles connection) means that we went on our annual sydney trip last weekend. This is because Sydney is to french people what Paris is to us - more exciting, romantic and famous than poor old Melbourne or Montpellier. This was my 4th trip to Sydney so im sure you will understand when i say i wasn't too excited about seeing the various sights again, plus i had accidently bought a ticket to a Nouvelle Vague concert without realising it was the same weekend - sigh - but hey - heidi and daniel enjoyed their little date (see heidi's blog ) even though emilie simone was slightly weird by all accounts (anyone called the french bjork must be a little weird).
Ahem anyway, i do believe i have photos of this trip
so you can all be treated to the sights of sydney
This is Alix and Emma waiting at the airport for the plane. So bored we resorted to extensive photo taking.
Ooo you know they have double decker trains in Sydney and all the seats can be flipped around so you can choose which way you want to travel!
The Bridge! I climbed it with Chloe, and this time Emma and Alix climbed it - woooo! its quite fun - though not dangerous at all :( haha

The Sydney version of Luna Park.. my dad made the unfortunate mistake of buying unlimited tickets for alix and emma an hour before it closed - we spent that hour ferrying them from ride to ride in an attempt to break even.

Some half-eaten remains of the much beloved and much renowned chocolate pizza - i know it looks horrible here but it is really quite divine - a pizza cut into slices and rolled with chocolate in the middle mmmmmmmmmm

This is the ferry stop outside our apartment - ferrys may sound all nice and picturesque - but they can be very annoying when late or when the ferrymen are on strike...
Some photos of the Chinese garden - strangely enough this was the highlight of my trip, maybe i should go to china instead - it was so beautiful and peaceful.
This is Dad being all australian and eating a meat pie
A random photo of some poles - they look like little alien worlds...
ME and emma - if you look closely you can see the corner of the bridge in the distance.
This is so cool! All along the path at the botanic garden in sydney they have engraved words from the native aboriginal language - it was so interesting to read them all!
Can you make out those words? That's right - Sex and Death - proudly planted in the middle of the botanic garden - wow, i thought, thats a little deep and dark for the botanic gardens and all those old ladies with big hats - in fact it is the name of an exhibtion they had there - about orchids and carniverous plants -ha ha ha. The exhibition ended up being closed - but that didnt stop us from seizing this photo opportunity...
ohh, so many updates yay - i shall have to comment one by one when i have time
i only logged on quickly cos i was checking the weather report, a shower or 2 clearing in the atfernoon, max 15.
lol - i love those cut out face flower thigs haha. u and ur dad look v. cool indeed!!
love heidi
I love those adaptable trains in Sydney too! (sorry i only read that bit, 2 mins left on internet!!)
Love from Rome!!
p.s please try not to be jealous! It makes me sad you're not here with me!
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