Ahh I thought I should finally write a new blog seeing as it's the last day of September - and I shall break my one blog a month record if I don't do something soon. What a crazy two weeks it has been - i can't really call it a holiday as I haven't been doing a whole lot of relaxing - I only had 2 days of official holidays as my literature essay on the Picture of Dorian Gray went on and on and now I have to do my cinema essay. Sigh - at the moment its mainly a question of holding on with my teeth until the blissful summer holidays
summer holidays :) i cannot wait
Wow happy very belated birthday to daniel and my mum lol whose birthdays happened in this fair month of september - this month also saw the blooming of our peony rose bush - with one flower! it was still very exciting - that bush moved with us from our old house because mum was so attached to it and its flowers are so beautiful.
I have been very emotional lately - crying at the slightest possible thing - it's getting quite ridiculous lol - all those soppy stories in the newspaper, or even the not so soppy stories leave me with a tear in my eye - im not sure if this is a bad thing or not haha - we shall have to seeeee.
Arghh daniel has most of my photographs - so i shall try to add some later - we had so much fun on his birthday - we had devonshire tea in eltham haha and then went for a long walk with a little picnic - it was beautiful weather. Haha i finally found a photo of daniel's birthday, and what is he doing? Trying to eat my shoulder, how romantic (no shoulders were harmed in the taking of this photo).
Yesterday I went with vicki to renee and caitlyn's place in parkville to watch the grand final - despite the fact that football bores me to death lol - i spent much time staring out the window as opposed to the screen - nonetheless geelong won - yay haha.
I also watched the Live of Others last night (a german film set in east germany in the 80s) it was so good! go and watch it if you haven'y - i was very tired when watching it but i managed to stay awake the whole time and by the end i was sitting very upright with, you guessed it, some tears haha - i just want to hug the guy called HWG - im sure you will agree when you watch it - he has the saddest eyes.
OOOOooo it's my sisters' birthday this week - and for their party they are having a MASQUERADE! you have no idea how excited i am about this - it's quite ridiculous - i am more excited than them and it's their own party. Emma bought this rather cool black corset which i have almost convinced her to let me wear and i think i shall buy an enigmatic black mask dodododoooooo and explore my inner dark self lol
Arghh uni starts tomorrow again - sigh, i wish i could say i looked forward to it more but alas, i do not - i just can't wait for holidays - lets all go away somewhere for months on end and read and dance and drink and talk and laugh and sleep (sleep is very important haha).
Well i think that is quite enough rambling for one day. See you in october!
love kate
summer holidays :) i cannot wait
Wow happy very belated birthday to daniel and my mum lol whose birthdays happened in this fair month of september - this month also saw the blooming of our peony rose bush - with one flower! it was still very exciting - that bush moved with us from our old house because mum was so attached to it and its flowers are so beautiful.
I have been very emotional lately - crying at the slightest possible thing - it's getting quite ridiculous lol - all those soppy stories in the newspaper, or even the not so soppy stories leave me with a tear in my eye - im not sure if this is a bad thing or not haha - we shall have to seeeee.
Arghh daniel has most of my photographs - so i shall try to add some later - we had so much fun on his birthday - we had devonshire tea in eltham haha and then went for a long walk with a little picnic - it was beautiful weather. Haha i finally found a photo of daniel's birthday, and what is he doing? Trying to eat my shoulder, how romantic (no shoulders were harmed in the taking of this photo).
Yesterday I went with vicki to renee and caitlyn's place in parkville to watch the grand final - despite the fact that football bores me to death lol - i spent much time staring out the window as opposed to the screen - nonetheless geelong won - yay haha.
I also watched the Live of Others last night (a german film set in east germany in the 80s) it was so good! go and watch it if you haven'y - i was very tired when watching it but i managed to stay awake the whole time and by the end i was sitting very upright with, you guessed it, some tears haha - i just want to hug the guy called HWG - im sure you will agree when you watch it - he has the saddest eyes.
OOOOooo it's my sisters' birthday this week - and for their party they are having a MASQUERADE! you have no idea how excited i am about this - it's quite ridiculous - i am more excited than them and it's their own party. Emma bought this rather cool black corset which i have almost convinced her to let me wear and i think i shall buy an enigmatic black mask dodododoooooo and explore my inner dark self lol
Arghh uni starts tomorrow again - sigh, i wish i could say i looked forward to it more but alas, i do not - i just can't wait for holidays - lets all go away somewhere for months on end and read and dance and drink and talk and laugh and sleep (sleep is very important haha).
Well i think that is quite enough rambling for one day. See you in october!
love kate
the verification word of today is 'mysrdomv'...im pronouncing it 'miser-domv', sounds ominous.
ohh, i like ur blog entries! never leaves one feeling disappointed!
im looking forward to photos from this masquerade! masqerades are the best!!!! i still can't believe we managed to have some in put in making house dance into a masquerade a few years back, as dodgy as house dance can be at times (think yr 7 livin' la vida loca' haha. oh dear! what happened to ricky martin?!!)
dressing up is always fun... we should do something for halloween this year too - im already planning my ladybird costume haha
haha i changed the word verification - you can all heave a sigh of relief - but won't you miss it just a little? lol Mmmm i can't believe we managed to get a masquerade in our dance either! i was thinking about that just the other day - i promise to take photos :) and im always up for dressing up!
love kate
i am also very pleased about the mysterious disapearence of word verification - although not so mysterious now!
Yes, Das Leben der Anderen (The lives of others) is an excellent film!! What's more thats just one of literally thousands of stories from East Germany, and I have heard so many second hand accounts from friends who grew up in the East. It is really unbelievable some of the things that occurred durring that period. And it is facinating to see and hear how the seperation and re-unifaction of Germany is still so alive in the minds of even German's of our generation.
Ok, that was my little German rant.
I too look forward to the Masquerade stories and pictures!!
Enjoy Uni with not to many sighs... just think how smart you are becoming, while i just bumm around... although i do recomend going away for months on end to read and dance and drink and talk and laugh and sleep... that would kind of sum up my life, and i couldnt complain about a thing.
Except that i miss you!!
Lots of Love and hugs
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