Thursday, March 23, 2006

Just finished reading Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenence - vvv. good book - recommend to everyone...

I love it when everything in your life fits together - and that is what's happening now, when I read something in a book suddenly I come across it somewhere else, like in my Philosophy lecture, then in a film - then I find myself scribbling this idea next a poem I'm studying for french textual studies and finally I find it in some literature reading.


Makes you remember that everything is connected.

like this piece of graffiti I saw in the city:
"I loved you before we'd even met"

and the cd I finally bought today (as a birthday present for myself) by the Fruitbats.

I realise this post isn't making any sense but neither does The Wasteland (poem by TS Eliot) and I still love it (no-one else in my tute did though - so I ended up having to defend it). It's so beautiful in its confusion.


Blogger leila said...

Kate that made so much sence because it's so you!! I miss your funny ways!! I love that feeling too!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY...for tomorrow!!
Love you lots!!
Love leila

7:43 pm  

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