Back from Schoolies - a week in Caitlyn's beach house at Kennett River near Lorne . It was sooooooo much fun, I just can't describe it. Thank you so much to Caitlyn for letting us trash your house ;) Thanks also to all those drivers; Leila, Caitlyn, Renee, Christine and Jack - you were all great.
It feel so bizarre to be back at home after spending so much time with my friends - I feel almost depressed, I didn't want to leave. We watched films (Moulin Rouge, I Heart Huckabees, Romeo and Juliet...), television (the OC, Nip/Tuck, Inuyasha - I think I have watched enough soap operas to last me a life time), drank (Champagne, Smirnoff, some Kahlua), walked and swam at the beach, went shopping... Just generally being lazy - this list doesn't include all those random conversations which often occur at 3 in the morning. We were besieged by the local wildlife - Koalas everywhere, Parrots, Kookaburras, spiders, moths... and millions of MOSQUITOS!!
All the food and accomadation only cost us $23 each!! how crazy is that. We bought our own lunches and breakfasts and then got into groups to cook each night. The first night we just cooked our own, then we went to the Wye River Pub for dinner. Our meals were Tacos then Spaghetti then Barbeque then Stirfry (my group's meal). All of the meals were actually really nice, and no one died of food poisoning which is always a good thing.

The first and last days were beautiful; wonderful beachy weather - but the days in between were generally cloudy and windy, sometimes with added rain. But it just made the beach house even mor cosy - not that this was hard in a rather small house filled with 17 people!
Memorable Moments: Jack wearing a bra, Renee playing a guitar naked (:o), Brendan cooking pasta every night at midnight - and actually ending up with something edible much to everyones surprise, Vicki the hippy with her red suitcase (hello Felicity-Albert), Heidi saying "daarrling" rather too many times when slightly inebriated, Leila the seaweed monster surfie... and many others, too numerous to mention - if anyone is reading this feel free to add more moments as comments.
Thanks to everyone for such a fun, relaxing, wonderful schoolies - a great way to end that horrible exam period. We must have a schoolies reunion next year...
Tomorrow me and my family leave for 6 and 1/2 weeks in France and Spain - arn't I lucky?! I'm not sure if I will be able to post tomorrow (could be too stressful), or when I will next update. I'm aiming to update at least once a week.
First we are to to Paris for 5 days, then to Normandy, then to the Loire Valley, then down into Spain, to Granada, Cordoba and Seville (where we will spend Christmas), then up to Barcelona, then to Montpellier and Nimes (to say coucou to Chloé), then back to Paris for another 4 days.
Merry Christmas everyone - I hope you all have great holidays.