DaAA da da daaaaaaaaa da daaaaaaa!
Due to unprecedented demand this blog has reopened for business.
Ahem, well, it has been a while hasn't it? Don't the days just slip past when you are having fun, then the weeks and months and so on and so forth. So here we are, approximately 4/5 months later... my my haven't we all grown (though not in vertical terms much to my dismay, i think i shall have to give up hope on that).
First things first - HAPPY BIRTHDAY Leila! and all the other birthdays i have missed including my own. So happy birthday me. Thankyou to all who came to my party. a rather nice affair in the surrounds of Sushi Wushi followed by the Lane (who knew Eltham could hide a cute little bar in an alley - I didn't even k

oh soooooo much has happened - but unfortunately all of my photos are spread out between my computers, not to mention my memories. I am definitely getting old - as almost all my birthday cards have mentioned this fact - thankyou friends! haha. This year I am not only keeping a l;ist of all the books I read, but the movies i watch too, and as i am studying surrealist cinema this semester it includes some pretty wacky films so far - if you ever see a copy of Naked Lunch then watch it, i guarantee there are no naked lunches in it (though there is nakedness, and also perhaps some lunch, they are not combined - though i know that after Where the truth lies i will never be trusted again, and now that i think about it, i doubt that Naked Lunch will be the film to salvage my reputation).
Oh before i forget - i can drive! it's a bit of a miracle, but now i can (just haha) with my faithful clementine, i often sit in the drivers seat, imagining that i'm wearing long gloves and sing "oh my darrling, oh my darllling oh my daarrrling clementine" - don't laugh, I do. However now that i can drive i have to find car parks at eltham station, not a task for the faint hearted. I have discovered the wondrous 5 hour car park near the tennis courts, but, alas, 5 hours is all too brief with my horrible uni schedule so i am on the search for a new area to conquer. Any suggestions would be gratefully received.
Well more shall come soon - I promise you!photos, when I find them, anecdotes when I remember them, poems when i read them, thoughts when i think them, essays when i write them - but no! i will not subect you to my essays however much in love with them i am, i am not so cruel.
Currently Reading: The Tree in Changing Light (Roger McDonald), What Maisie Knew (Henry James), Daisy Miller (Henry James), Albion (Peter Ackroyd), Ulysses (hahaha)
So adieu!
hi kate, i think you're beautiful. love daniel x
dammit kate, that is the quickest commenting i have seen on a blogspot. howcome you don't comment on mine daniel! you bastard.
come to phillip island on friday or even saturday you crazy children.
and kate that is such a beautiful photo of the tree, as i'm sure you're well aware.
love muchly,
haha, favouritism between beloveds. it's forgivable cathy. however i don't think ive been privileged to receive a comment either...
and then i am still upset about the that seems like everyone else in this world has had a meal at daniel's house at some point in their life.... but not i...
and so hence i shall in the future await a silver decorated envelope (yes, u can use one of those silly glitter gel ink pens to do the job) invitation to a meal at daniels house....one of these days. hahaha
nice blogging kate! yay! welcome back!
Hellllooooooo Kate!!!
I am brushing my teeth as I write this, sigh thank you for this pleasant brief interlude... for soon I shall have to return to politics also, or what there is of it so far. I want to DIE... ARgghh.
On other notes
1. Naked Lunch is awesome!! I recommend also (so some of any resultant blame for loss of time enjoyed in life etc can be shared)
2. politics sucks!
3. I love u all and miss u!!! I can't wait 'til we are all free of damn work so we can just relax and enjoy each other's company! To u lucky few who are going away, have a great time! :)
Lots of love
Saraha :) :)
Daniel: $150 to do my essay. seriously
no not seriously, but hypothetically, seriously
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