Haha here is a very cool picture, courtesy of heidi - thankyou heidi!
WWaaahhhhhh i am so philosophied out, i spent all this weeken writing my philosophy essay - i wrote the majority today (sunday) as saturday afternoon was spent in a sort of existential crisis - who am i, what am i, does my essay have a point?! Arghhh! But now everything is fine, i have down 2013 words on paper, whether they are good words or not... we shall have to wait and see. So what else have i been doing? ahem very little - our surrealist film this week was Funeral Parade of Roses, which was very wacky, as usual, about drag queens in Tokyo in the 60s - but that is only the beginning. Haha i loved the cinematography, especially at the start , it was quite beautiful. ahhhh What can i say, i love autumn, the leaves in my garden are simply lovely, i want to go to the botanical gardens and lie in the massive piles of autumn leaves there - i shall have to do so soon!
i am as u can see colour-blind. although percy's pantaloons are pink and very pink, he is however a rather odd shade of green. never fear, i hereby proclaim blue is the new green. *ahem*
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