Thursday, May 24, 2007
Ok ok ok i'm going now to write my essay, which happens to be due tomorrow (haha you were right sarah - my plan did sound too civilised to be real). But first, read this! It will change your life! (disclaimer: it may possibly change your life, if your life is easily changed by strange surrealist writing by andre breton - the first and foremost misogynistic, homophobic surrealist - but we love him anyway). I particularly like the line about champagne but maybe thats just because i like champagne.
Enjoy! and may the holidays come as soon as possible...
A short excerpt from Breton’s “Soluble Fish”, 1924:
“Birds lose their form after they lose their colours. They are reduced to a spider-like existence so deceptive that I throw the gauntlet down far away. My yellow gauntlets with the black stitching fall on a plain with a fragile tower looking down on it. I then cross my arms and watch. I watch for laughs that come out of the ground and immediately flower, umbels. Night has come, like a carp jumping on the surface of violet water, and strange laurels are interlaced in the sky that descends from the sea. Someone ties together a bundle of burning faggots in the woods and the woman or the fairy who loads it on her back seems to be flying now, while stars the colour of champagne become motionless. Rain begins to fall; it is an eternal grace and it has the most delicate reflections. In a single drop there is the passage of a yellow bridge through lilac gypsy caravans; in another that outdistances it are a carefree life and crimes in country inns. In the south, in a cove, love shakes its hair full of shadow and is a propitious boat that circles on the roofs. But the rings of water break one by one and the dawn of a finger is placed On the towering packet of nocturnal landscapes. The prostitute begins her song that is more roundabout than a cool brook in the country of Cloven Garlic, but despite everything it is only an absence. A real lily elevated to the glory of stars undoes the thighs of combustion that is awakening and the group that they form goes off to find the shore. But the soul of the other woman is covered with white feathers that gently fan her. Truth rests on the mathematical reeds of the infinite and everything moves forward by order of the eagle riding pillion, while the genius of vegetable flotillas claps and the oracle is pronounced by fluid electric fish.”
Sunday, May 20, 2007

Haha i am so ridiculously happy today! So i thought i would share it with all of you :) LAlalalala, watch the film La fille sur le pont (that's what the picture is from)! It's very good. all about luck and chance mmm... Oh i should really be doing work at this moment in time, but im not so meh. I have a french oral on tuesday on la décroissance, which will not be hugely thrilling but mehh i have to also write a horror story in french! hhaah twill be fun i think i can put in many Aiiiiiis! of terror. Ohh i visted the tea exhibiton in the Bailleu library at melb uni the other and scored myself a very cool tea coaster wooot ! Mmmm i haven't been doing very much, mainly homework - i can't wait till the holidays! and now we have heidi's list of things to do we shall never be bored, ooo i really want to make my own clothes, though i suppose you have to find nice fabric, maybe op shop fabric. And the thought of spending a night in front of the fire with hot chocolate is vvvvvvery appealing at the moment, esp as dad is currently dismantling our heater brrr and my window is open too - how very silly of me. Do you know what? i had my first slice of lemon meringue pie yesterday, and here i was thinking that byt the time you get to 20 there is really nothing new to be done (haha nahhh) I think i shall start a diary, and skillfully hide it from all eyes, because i feel like i will lose everything, days and memories, if i forget them, which is sad i suppose, though maybe it doesn't really matter, in the long term.
Oh i'm cold and i love it - it appears that im in a bit of a irrational fame of mind so maybe i shouldnt be writing this blog haha. But i do love walking back from uni to melb central at night and seeing all the lights; in my myopic state everything is all prettily blurred, all the lights, and its like watching a gorgeous movie of being at a carnival when you are little. I also love autumn leaves, but they are disappearing now, sigh.
anyway, i hope you are feeling delightfully happy too, i really do!