Firstly I would like to wish bon voyage to emma, my sister, who is leaving for a 6 week exchange in France on Thursday (to Montpellier), I hope you have a wonderful time! Emma has set up a blog for her travels at: http://www.walkingbywoods.blogspot.com/ and hopefully she will be a better blogger than me! At the moment I am aiming for one a month lol.
On the weekend I voted for the first time!!!!! It was soo exciting, all that power...mmmm You will have to guess who I voted for in the hall at Reserach Primary, where I proudly handed in my two voting slips, I have been studying the parties this whole election, it has been so interesting, especially all the preference

I am, however, officially completely sick of shopping, I have been shopping every day for about a week... and I can't cope anymore! This shopping rampage has been mainly due to emma's frantic last minute preparations and though I did score a dress and a some pjs on the way they were not enough to console me for those precious hours frittered away wandering around Myer. I used to hate myer with a vengence when I was little and now I begin to understand why... it's the

Enough of my ranting, tomorrow I will be going to Kennett river again - yay! I wonder if there will be more oc watching than last time - hopefully it will be warmer. I painted my toenails today in anticipation, and I should go and buy some champagne...
As I stated earlier I did buy a dress on the weekend, suprisingly in was from Piccadily Circus - a shop known more for its huge woolen coats than light summer dresses, but none the less it was there. It's red and white spotted, and I'm worrying that it's a bit too much of an afront to feminism with its obvious "I love cooking and cleaning in frilly aprons" aura. Maybe I will wear it and learn kickboxing, just to undermine the gender stereotype.
Exams are finally over, I had a 2 weeks gap between my first ones, french oral and politics and my last one, critical thinking. This last exam was multiple choice! a mulitple choice philosophy exam, what a bizarre idea, though it is more logic, so multiple choice worked quite well. It was all fine until... Question 63 (the second last one) which was: "Was this test... too short, too long, much too long or just right" I chose just right to be on the safe side, I don't want any vindictive philosophy teachers lowering my mark. The last question was for bonus marks and was to either write a limerick about critical thinking or draw a picture - the person writing the exam must have foreseen the fact that it took only an hour to complete in a two hour exam. I wrote a rather bad limerick about modus ponens - a logical argument structure that is: Q, if P then Q, P therefore Q. My limerick went... (ahem)
There once was a p and a q
Who weren't quite sure who was who
Said the q to the p
"Well, as I'm sure you'll agree..
If you are a p I'm a q".
I drew a picture for added emphasis (and hopefully marks) of a little p and q walking down a path wearing hats. Hmmm. It was really quite an absurd situation; writing a limerick during a critical thinking exam in the middle of the Royal Exhibition Building (I love that place, it makes me feel so noble to be doing an exam there - my table was wonky though, so I had to sit awkwardly with one leg stuck out balancing the table so it didn't crash every time I moved).

Films I would recommend are Childen of Men, Gilda, La Jetée (a French photomontage film - one of the most beautiful, haunting films I've ever seen - you can find it on google video, and it's only 27 minutes long - though it is in french), The Piano, Mrs Harris and Boys Don't Cry. There are millions of others but unfortunately I have not chosen this year to be the first to write down all the films I have seen. Oh, and WATCH THE WEST WING - you will regret it if you don't (I love u josh, sam, c.j, donna, leo, toby...)
so that's that.
a bientôt