I bid a fond adieu to Leila and Hedi who are leaving us for a year to head off on their seperate adventures. Leila to travel the world and Heidi to China to study at a chinese university. I'll miss you!
Well, now I've had a O'Week (or O'3 Days as one of my newly joined clubs names it). Which was suprisingly quite a lot of fun - even despite the fact that I didn't participate on any of the crazy pub crawls going on. I meant lots of v. cool and random arts students (and some engineering people too - through renee and caitlyn - esp. these two canadian guys, one of who looks like Viggo!). I have waited my whole life to become an arts student at melbourne uni it appears - I'm loving it!! I have joined 5 clubs: the dance club (studiously ignoring the fact that I can't actually dance), the anti war club (breath - it's not a crazy socialist club - well I don't think so anyway...), the french club, Weekly Watchers of Wobderful Anime and CHAS (Cosmic Hitchikers Appreciation Society) - oh and M-ASS (the Melb Arts Students Society). I'm quite excited actually as tomorrow (tuesday) i have my first club event, the CHAS lift party! It's either a party in a lift or a part to cheer-up the lifts, either would be fun.
Today was my first day of actual arts classes. I went in extra early to buy some books - which was just as well as it took me an hour to locate and then stand in line to buy three subject guides. I ate lunch with the eltham crew (renee, caitlyn, brendan, simon and martin) and pushing myself through the massive crowds at union house to buy a piece of pizza - which was v. nice (do eat the pumpkin pizza from Pesto's). The off to my first class of the day (at 2:15 - i love the arts student life) .... MODERN LITERATURE! YAY Our first lecturer was v. good and interesting, our second one less so - but the books we get to study make up for it all - kafka, woolf, orwell...the Wasteland, A Dolls House etc. All in all a total of 11 books for me to study and read (and buy) just for the first semester for lit! crazy. Had a break (lying on the grass on the south lawn) then my first french lecture with Caitlyn - half in english and french but from now on all classes will be completely in french which should be fun (no really - it will :) After the lecture i had a french discussion class (like a tutorial) which I was pretty nervous about but which was actually fine and even fun. By the way - can anyone out there think of a french adjective the begins with k? We did this thing where we said "Je m' appelle kate et je suis k..." (My name is kate and i am k...insert adjective here). But when it got to me I could not think of a k adjective and neither could anyone else in the room when i gave up (even my tuter failed).
I didn't get home until 7:30pm - so i'm really tired. 2 hours of public transport a day kills me.
So good night everyone, kate
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